Sunday, January 12, 2014

Spring Zephyrs Mid-January

Destructive ice storm late December, polar-vortex deep cold for central OK early January. Now blustery  30-40 mph winds in a 70 degree day. By 5 p.m. the Woods were calm. I walked in past the NW Ponds. Along the trail I  find small patches of cooler air.. meter by meter. I  either encountered the afternoon's remaining warmth or distinctly cooler air. Where does the returning cool come from? down by the cooler ground? collecting and drifting down ravines and draws - yes, but no significant continuing downslope wind currents.. Is it blowing in from the winds above? Can't tell. Topsy-turvy patchy zephyrs must make it difficult for animals relying on smell.
 The Woods are very open now. Even some of the privet and winter green shrubs lost some leaves in the ice storm. Small groups of 2-3 deer are there most days. This evening at 5:30 I heard the singing of a distant group of coyotes off to the south. Maybe they'll come through the Woods and eliminate the family of young dogs that are living there along the south boundary.
  Beautiful sunset with bands of gray or light pink clouds I associate with early spring. Sky and near full moon made me want to stay out.