Friday, June 11, 2010

The dragonflies return!

Amazed to see the same number (and same species? Sympetrum ambiguum?) of libellulid dragonflies, four of them, same as last year, perching in the same square meter and catching flies over the southern point of the sedges. That needs to be investigated!

Last few weeks since mid May have been dry and warmer than usual.. 5-6 degrees warmer on average than the normal temperatures for these calendar days. The flooded south west quarter has lost all standing water, although the soil in places has a soft feeling from the now dry previous flood. The water in the wash is not flowing. The stream bed by the Elm Bridge is completely dry.. although "upstream" there remain some pools still a foot or more deep.

With Lindsay Lacroix I walked the main SW Trail and all through the Woods.. Encountered two pairs of white-tailed deer. Lots of disturbed soil where armadillos were foraging.

Trail were in OK shape. After Lindsay left to check traps, I cut the big leaning bur oak blocking the main trail, blown over at Christmas. It had lived long enough to sprout spring leaves but they had died and shriveled.

I reinforced the yellow paint blazes on the Main SW trail.

Lindsay and I checked the light trap set up at the south center. The city had recently mowed the service road leading there. Power cords and light trap looks fine.

Returned home, showered, changed clothes and removed 20-25 ticks.

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