Chilly Sunday morning birding in OWP with Angie. On ravine trail watched 4-5 white-tailed deer foraging. The bucks were snorting back and forth and flaring their tails. I think they knew we were there but could not smell us or see us well.
On the south boundary trail we watched a pure white red-tailed hawk, Norma, fly away south over the waste water treatment plant. Birds were fairly active until about 10 or 11. We saw golden crowned kinglets, fox sparrows, one great blue heron in the tree tops over the cattails, red shouldered hawks, downy woodpeckers, chickadees, creeper, carolina wren, phoebes, cardinals, redwinged blackbirds, robins galore, blue jays, etc.
Wondering about who eats berries of privet, multiflora rose, symphoricarpos, lonicera, smilax, juniper, euonymus, hackberry.
Picture of Norma above taken by Ben Holt Feb 12 2011 with the comment
"Norma A white "Red"-tailed Hawk and the guardian of South Jenkins, Oliver's Woods, and the Norman, OK Water Treament Plant"
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