Thursday, November 24, 2011

November Cedars

In through the NE Gate today. No purpose, no urgency, just a Thanksgiving time to relax and absorb the Woods. Down along the Wash and below the Elm Bridge there were moderate swathes of green ground starting.. Stellaria chickweed, Duchesnea mock strawberry, Allium spring onions, Viola violets, Euonymus strawberry or burning bush.
Things to eat in the Woods: Symphoricarpos coralberry, Rosa multiflora red fruits, Allium spring onions, Lycoperdon fresh puffballs. Lonicera honeysuckle berries are probably mildly poisonous.

Two large brownish orange Araneus on their webs across the trail.. interesting to note when the last are seen this season and the first are seen next summer.

I found again the two parallel rows of limby cedars - each with 3-4 trees. The east end runs to just west of the junction of the N Loop to the E. Trans OWP. The west end intersects the alternate trail running north from Fence Corner. I need to scan between the trees for barbed wire fence with metal detector. These trees look like the vestigial markers of an old farm road. Birds perching along fence lines and depositing juniper seed. Coming and going through the NE entrance cedars there is a flock of robins maybe 20 birds foraging there.

Twenty more individual trees flagged and numbered with blue tape along the Tree Loop - including Sapindus?
Plus at the east end of the bur Oak Bridge, one single Nandina with bright green leaves.

Shallow pooled water still across the southern boundary of the SE quarter of the Woods, although the Main SW trail is mostly drained.

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