Saturday, March 10, 2012

More Trees Cool Mild Spring Morning

At the NE Gate to the Woods, the morning was cool and mild (50 F). The Woods had 0.32 inch rain 2 days past on Thursday. The wash was full to the Elm Bridge but not flowing. The East Pond was 2.64 and the West Pond was 2.08.. after days of abundant 20-30 mph drying wind.

I added a second old pear to the Tree Loop as # 95; added 6 (largish cottonwoods and willow) in the SE corner of the Woods (dozen more mapped in SE would be good). Measured and mapped 11 more ash and elm, W of the dam along the Main SW trail.

I saw one cottontail rabbit running north end of Tree Loop. Two yearling white-tailed deer were heading east by the dam. Did not see older doe. Flock of juncos was foraging along the east leg of the Tree Loop.. closest to the field. Pair of mallards hanging out in the East Pond were there today. Cries of red-shouldered hawk were loud along the Northern Loop. Many large Tipulid craneflies are flying and mating.. may be near peak emergence this 3-4 days. A half dozen were on my car parked by the Woods.

Many/ most of the elms have produced their samaras. Should be able to ID elm spp. now: samaras bare faced with a peripheral fringe of hairs, flowers clustered one per stem = U. americana ; samaras with hairs on face and flowers branching racemes = slippery U.rubra.
Most of the hawthorn in the Woods are blooming. The first green leaves are just starting to emerge on the box elder. First green leaves on tall cottonwoods just starting. Leaves are half flushed on the 3-4 pears. Redbud flower buds are swelling open and showing some pink. Eleagnus Russian olive and Ligustrum privet have many and most leaves out, respectively.

Oak at home has hanging catkins but oaks in the Woods have not broken their buds. Nothing from walnut, coffee tree, pecan, hickory, persimmon, hackberry, green ash. Along the border of the eastern field with the Woods Cardamine bittercress, Houstonia bluets (purple), Lamium amplexicaule and purpureum henbit, Stellaria chickweed were in bloom.

The Woods are still open and clear.. but will be transformed in this month ahead.

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