Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Largest Tree

Nice day to  be out in the Woods... high 40's and clear sun. I started adding some more large trees to the database working westward along the SW trail from near the Grandfather tree. The largest tree diameter I have measured in the Woods 136.5 cm DBH is the Grandfather tree. It is hollowed out in the center but has a good top. It is in a good location with enough water but some elevation so it has survived the extended floods. It holds its leaves later in the year than surrounding trees. Grand old tree.

I added 23 trees.. all but two were green ash. Interesting that is so dominant over this stretch.. no large hackberries, pecan, oaks, coffee tree, walnut, boxelder, sycamore etc. The large elms in this section have been succumbing to beetles and dutch elm disease for a year or two.

I checked the Vespula yellowjacket nest again at 4. There were no wasps flying; but the ten wasps I counted outside the nest on the leaf litter within 2-3 inches of the entrance, were slowly moving their antennae or legs.

No deer (or other quadrupeds) encountered this afternoon. The water level in the Wash had fallen to 3 inches at the post.

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