Thursday, May 19, 2016

Updating Tree Loop information a week ago, I found a new species, one winged elm by the two black jack oaks.

Number Side Genus spp. common Comments update 15 May 2016
xx R Prunus mexicanus plum dead    
2 R Quercus macrocarpa x stellata OK

2.1 R Juglans nigra walnut 30' W of #2
2.2 R Populus deltoides cottonwood 45' W; bottom of slope by culvert
2.3 R Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash eliminated in flood  
2.4 R Acer negundo box elder 20' S of cottonwood; 2.5  m tall
2.5 R Acer negundo box elder 20' S of cottonwood; 2.5  m tall
2.6 R Robinia pseudoacacia black locust 35' S of cottonwood; cut for power line right of way
2.61 L Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash

2.62 L Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash

2.7 R Robinia pseudoacacia black locust upslope SE of copiced Robinia 
2.8 R Robinia pseudoacacia black locust upslope SE of copiced Robinia 
2.9 R Robinia pseudoacacia black locust upslope further S of copiced Robinia 
2.91 R Acer negundo box elder 5' S of #2.9
3 L Carya illinoinensis pecan DEAD    
4 R Carya texana black hickory OK

4.1 R Carya texana black hickory OK

5 L Ulmus americana elm DEAD    
5.1 L Carya illinoinensis pecan

6 R Quercus palustris pin oak OK

6.1 L Carya illinoinensis pecan OK

6.2 L Albizia
mimosa sapling 2 m
xx L Pyrus sp pear DEAD fallen  
8 L Carya illinoinensis pecan DEAD    
xx L Elaeagnus   Russian olive shrub DEAD;live privet at base now
10 L Quercus palustris pin oak OK

11 L Carya texana black hickory OK

12 L Gymnocladus dioicus KY Coffeetree 10' behind #11

Trail Jct with West Loop

12.1 L Carya illinoinensis pecan OK

13 L Carya illinoinensis pecan DEAD    
13.1 R Carya texana black hickory OK 25' W of trail West loop
13.2 R Sideroxylon lanuginosum chittamwood OK, small 25' W of trail West loop
13.21 L Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash
West loop
13.3 R Quercus macrocarpa bur oak

West loop
13.4 R Ulmus rubra slippery elm many stem burls West loop
13.5 R Quercus macrocarpa bur oak

West loop
13.6 L Diospyros virginiana persimmon
West loop
13.61 R Diospyros virginiana persimmon 2 stems West loop
13.7 L Diospyros virginiana persimmon broken top; live basal sprouts West loop
13.8 R Diospyros virginiana persimmon big
West loop
13.81 R Diospyros virginiana persimmon tween big persimmon & walnut West loop
13.82 L Diospyros virginiana persimmon
West loop
13.9 R Juglans nigra walnut

West loop
13.99 L Euonymus

West loop
13.91 R Cornus drummondii roughleaf dogwood
Pipeline Trl
13.92 R Cornus drummondii roughleaf dogwood
Pipeline Trl
Populus deltoides cottonwood tilted Pipeline Trl
Populus deltoides cottonwood
Pipeline Trl
Cornus drummondii roughleaf dogwood
Pipeline Trl
13.93 R Pyrus calleryana Bradford pear
Pipeline Trl
13.94 R Pyrus calleryana Bradford pear
Pipeline Trl
50 m post NE1

14 L Quercus stellata post oak

14.1 R Ulmus rubra

broken but healthy
15 R Carya illinoinensis pecan DEAD    
xx 15.1 L Juglans nigra walnut DEAD    
15.2 R Sideroxylon lanuginosum chittamwood 20' W of #15 new fern spp. by tree
16 L Ulmus rubra elm OK, red/brown interior bark
16.1 R Celtis laevigata hackberry OK

16.2 R Sapindus saponaria soapberry

16.25 R Sapindus saponaria soapberry beneath big walnut
16.26 R Sapindus saponaria soapberry beneath big walnut, along Pipeline trail
16.3 L Sapindus saponaria soapberry 50 CM SAPLING
16.4 R Elaeagnus angustifolia Russian olive shrub    
17 L Quercus palustris pin oak

18 R Carya illinoinensis pecan

18.1 R Callicarpa americana beautyberry shrub    
18.2 R Carya illinoinensis pecan

100 m post NE2

Cross trail to E side @ 300 m post
19 L Quercus marilandica black jack oak OK

19.1 L Ulmus alata? winged elm?

20 L Quercus marilandica black jack oak OK

21 R Ulmus americana elm OK, gold bark interior
22 R Carya illinoinensis pecan DEAD stem resprouts @ 1-2 m die
22.1 R Carya illinoinensis pecan OK, broken top 
22.2 R Morus
mulberry OK N of 2 chittamwood
23 R Quercus macrocarpa bur oak OK

24 R Prunus mexicanus plum DEAD    
24.1 R Sideroxylon lanuginosum chittamwood 35 ' west of trail at # 28
24.2 R Sideroxylon lanuginosum chittamwood 35 ' west of trail at # 28
25 L Carya illinoinensis pecan DEAD #204       
26 L Celtis laevigata hackberry OK

27 L Morus alba mulberry OK, stem burls like maple
xx 27.1 L Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash DEAD    
28 R Prunus mexicanus plum OK

28.1 L Prunus mexicanus plum OK

29 L Ulmus americana elm OK

29.1 L Carya illinoinensis pecan OK

30 L Ulmus americana elm OK

31 L Prunus mexicanus plum OK

32 L Diospyros virginiana persimmon OK

32.1 L Diospyros virginiana persimmon DEAD    
33 L Ulmus americana elm golden bark
34 L Diospyros virginiana persimmon DEAD   (dead late 2012)
150 m post NE3

35 L Quercus palustris pin oak OK

35.1 R Elaeagnus angustifolia shrub    
35.2 R Carya illinoinensis pecan
no lvs; maybe dead; short sapling
35.3 R Morus rubra mulberry, red 25' W down slope bud scales dark on edges, leaves downy, hairy beneath
36 R Celtis laevigata hackberry

36.1 L Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii soapberry 1 m tall sapling; lf buds breaking
37 L xx Gymnocladus dioicus KY coffeetree DEAD    
38 R Ulmus rubra elm OK

39 R Juglans nigra walnut DEAD 5/2016  
40 L Gymnocladus dioicus KY Coffeetree OK

41 R Morus alba white mulberry OK

42 L Cercis canadensis redbud 2-3 tall stump sprouts live, old main bole dead
42.5 R Viburnum  rufidulum rusty blackhaw small 4 m tree; 70' S on trail from Loop & 20' downslope on R of trail
200 m post NE4

43 L Ulmus     DEAD    
44 L Celtis laevigata hackberry OK

44.1 R Morus alba white mulberry OK

45 R Prunus mexicanus plum OK

46 L Ligustrum spp. privet shrub smashed and cut in ice storm; no top
47 R Gymnocladus dioicus KY Coffeetree OK

47.1 R Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii soapberry OK

48 R Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii soapberry OK

49 L Prunus mexicanus plum OK 1 m tall
50 L xx Cercis canadensis redbud DEAD; broken  
50.1 R Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii soapberry OK

51 L Ulmus americana elm OK

52 R Juglans nigra walnut OK

53 L Prunus mexicanus plum OK

54 L xx Ulmus rubra elm DEAD    
55 L Morus alba white mulberry OK

56 L Gymnocladus dioicus KY Coffeetree OK BIG
57 L Ulmus americana elm dying, no live crown, only a few live branches at base.
58 R Ulmus americana elm

250 m post TL3

59 R Celtis laevigata hackberry

60 R Ulmus americana elm OK

61 R Juglans nigra walnut DEAD    
62 L Ulmus americana elm OK longer ways north by bend in trail
63 L Quercus macrocarpa bur oak OK

64 L Quercus macrocarpa bur oak

65 R Ulmus rubra elm
not healthy
300 m post TL2

Cross trail to W side @ 100 m post
66 L Juglans nigra walnut DEAD 20' W  
66.1 L Sideroxylon lanuginosum
50' NW of #66 on cross trail
67 R Cercis canadensis redbud

68 R Acer  negundo boxelder

69 L Quercus macrocarpa bur oak
bent over
69.1 R Morus rubra mulberry, red

70 L Elaeagnus angustifolia Russian olive shrub    
71 L Ligustrum spp. privet shrub    
72 R Gymnocladus dioicus KY Coffeetree OK

73 L Gymnocladus dioicus KY Coffeetree OK

73.1 L Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii soapberry

74 R xx Ulmus americana elm DEAD    
75 R Cercis canadensis redbud dead-ish; w/ stump sprouts 2'
76 L Juglans nigra walnut OK

77 L Celtis laevigata hackberry OK

78 R Cercis canadensis redbud live top; thin, unhealthy crown
79 R Quercus palustris Pin Oak

80 L Cercis canadensis redbud

81 L Gymnocladus dioicus KY Coffeetree OK

82 L Juglans nigra walnut OK

83 L Cercis canadensis redbud

84 L Gymnocladus dioicus KY Coffeetree

85 L Juglans nigra walnut DEAD    
350 m post TL1

86 R Cercis canadensis redbud OK

87 L Celtis laevigata hackberry OK

88 R Quercus palustris Pin Oak OK

89 L Carya texana black hickory OK

89.1 L Carya illinoinensis pecan OK

90 R Cercis canadensis redbud DEAD    
91 R Juniperus virginiana eastern redcedar OK

large healthy walnut here if needed

92 L Celtis laevigata hackberry OK

93 R Cercis canadensis redbud OK

94 R Celtis laevigata hackberry OK cluster of 4-5 stems
95 R Pyrus
pear OK 25' NE
96 R Pyrus calleryana Bradford pear OK 1 m tall, near gate

4 Acer negundo

1 Albizia


2 Callicarpa americana beautyberry (shrub)

8 Carya illinoinensis pecan

5 Carya texana
black hickory

9 Celtis laevigata/ laevigatum sugarberry/ hackberry

8 Cercis canadensis redbud

3 Cornus drummondii roughleaf dogwood

6 Diospyros virginiana

Elaeagnus angustifolia Russian olive (shrub)

3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash

8 Gymnocladus dioicus
Kentucky coffee tree

7 Juglans nigra

1 Juniperus virginiana

2 Ligustrum spp.
privet (shrub)

5 Morus alba

3 Morus rubra

3 Populus deltoides

7 Prunus mexicanus plum

1 Pyrus sp.

3 Pyrus calleryana Bradford pear

7 Quercus macrocarpa bur oak

2 Quercus marilandica blackjack oak

6 Quercus palustris
pin oak

1 Quercus stellata
post oak

4 Robinia pseudoacacia black locust

9 Sapindus saponaria

5 Sideroxylon lanuginosa chittamwood/ bumelia

11 Ulmus americana American elm

5 Ulmus rubra
slippery elm

1 Viburnum rufidulum
rusty blackhaw

~140 Live trees May 2016 ~ 29 spp.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Do Cottonwoods Annoy Spiders?

I wonder if orb weaver spiders have a more difficult time when cottonwoods are shedding their seed. The webs catch the cotton and either have to be cleaned up by the spider, or risk being too visible to their intended prey.
Along the Wash, I heard the rattling cry of the kingfisher again. The water churned down by the Elm Bridge from lots of something - tadpoles? I have not heard the leopard frogs in the Woods this spring, I have often heard in previous springs. 
Any hungry dragonflies can find a nice meal down in Oliver’s Woods today. The mosquitoes have returned in force. I entered the Woods by the NW Pond and picked up a cloud of arthropod friends who stayed with me for a half hour and finally convinced me to leave early. Ecologically thinking, the mosquitoes and ticks may be sort of champions and defenders of the Woods. The more of them, the less likely that humans will venture in there, or stay long.
Nice bee mimic robber fly perching on the down snag at the vibe bower. One box turtle was along the trail by the big watch tree southwest off the levee. Several red-eared sliders were basking on the floating logs in the NW pond. Along the E-W Trail more catalpa blossoms have fallen. Not very much in bloom in the Woods now; but the under story box elder and other perennials are growing fast.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Magic Turtles

Headed out to the Woods, the NW Trail, around 10, planning to clear most of the northwest trails of overgrowth. The Lonicera Japanese honeysuckle along the fence line was in full, sweet fragrant bloom. I'll have to watch to see who is pollinating.
I was met as I entered the Woods by a box turtle on the uphill slope 2m above the trail.
Trail sides were all very green with rapidly growing Cornus dogwood, Acer negundo box elder and a few others. At the NW Pond, north stepping stones, all was quiet. Nothing stirring the water. Heavy rain Friday night brought down many of the white and spotted catalpa blossoms. Cotton from the big cottonwood was floating down. The saturated ground looked to be a good germination bed. Perhaps now there will be hundreds of young cottonwoods.
Light honey brown 2-3 cm tall mushrooms are the most common. I cleared away overhanging branches and one box elder pinned across the trail by the fall of a big pecan snag. Water was flowing past Isld Crosssing but it was low enough for crossing.
On the return exit walk I was amazed to see not the one red-eared slider I hoped would be out basking, but seven of the same (or maybe eight), all sizes. One really large next to a smaller teacup size one. Where have these turtles been?
Parasitology student says they caught crayfish in the NW pond last few weeks.
By the north stepping stones to the NW Pond, there was a partial carcass.  Looked like a possum. Jaw bones and teeth were there and tail. Green bottle calliphorid flies, a couple of the big black staphylinid rove beetle Creophilus, several sepsid(?) small flies with semaphore wings were having a picnic. I saw one plump maggot scooting away. Diving beetles and young gerid at the East Pond..but on balance, few insects evident anywhere - no mosquitoes.