Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trail Blazing with Turtle and Bugs

I went to Olivers Woods this Sat. morning 10 to noon and it was pleasant.

I blazed the normal trail from the SW gate with big swatches of temporary masking tape stuck to the trees where I will paint blue blazes.

Saw a yearling white tail deer sprinting from near the Chautauqua side eastward into the Woods and one 3 toed box turtle and lots of Micrathena spiders.

The regular perch for the four libellullid dragonfly (siblings?, conspecifics at least) was occupied again but this time there were only three. They may be falling off with old age or being picked off by predators.

This species of dragonfly could be named the "patriot". It is red white and blue. The labial mask and front frons are increasingly turning a nice powder blue. The anterior portion of the abdomen is a handsome bright red and there are white stripes on the dark thorax.

I found two cicadas, one fluttered down in front of me seemingly exhausted. Green and black like Tibicen. Ants had found one recently deceased. I expect their singing (still loud) will begin to lessen from now with summer drawing to a close. I had not considered the effect of inundation on this population in their subterranean habitat.

I did not find the trail angling north east flagged with yellow flags. Sun blotches through the forest were the same color. I'll look again at a darker time early or late or cloudy.

Only two ticks (tiny).

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