Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rain Pummeled Woods

The rain began just after midnight. Heavy but intermittent it doused central OK and the Woods all during the day. The total amounted to 95/100ths. At 5 I drove (with some trepidation) to near the NE Gate, being sure to park on high, more well drained ground. I opened the gate and entered the green wet Woods. All along the trail, bud scales beaten off trees by the drumming rain littered the path. Shrubs, Russian Olive, Privet and low branches all weighted down with the recent rain reached into or across the trail. At the Elm Bridge a solid river of muddy brown water was touching the underside of the elm crossing log. I grabbed a pole and walked/ leapt across to the sand bank.

Along the way a few new branches were down across the trail, each tangled with vines and gradually descending to earth on its own schedule. Out the EW Trail and on to the East Pond, I was delighted to see a snapping turtle on the east end. It looked like the one I had encountered below the beaver dam heading up stream. The East Pond was at 3.38 feet and the West Pond was 2.52 feet.

Two young deer east of Barney Jct did not seem terribly alarmed with my presence. The trail loop back including the Northern Loop was in good shape. I crossed the wash at Island Crossing with a good mighty leap but the ground was surprisingly soft where I took to the air leaving me a half foot short of the eastern bank and a quick splash with my good shoes and wool slacks.. never mind. I was on my way out and happy again.

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