Friday, April 6, 2012

Troll Under the Elm Bridge

Down by the Elm bridge this evening I saw a large snapping turtle underwater 2-3 m upstream sitting quiet as death. I tickled his front with a twig and no response. He looked dead. I lifted a front foot an inch with a stick and then he moved.. but not much. I hope his stealth strategy results in a good meal of one of the snakes that live along the wash, or some other nutritious meal. Maybe I should transport him to the west pond to dine on crayfish.

The southern Woods are still flooded ankle deep along the Main SW trail from the 0.95 inch rain four days ago; but all the trails in the northern half are fine.. damp but no standing water anywhere. The Lonicera japonica honeysuckle, box elder, green ash and other fast growing plants are in full expansion mode. I'll trim some trail sides with a weed whip. Mercifully, I am not seeing poison ivy along trails.
More of the very late leaf flushing trees (walnut and other) along the tree loop are now putting out very small stem leaves up and down their trunks.. not abundant.. not healthy but maybe enough to survive and recoup if the summer is moderate. Other walnut, pecan and coffee trees flushed good healthy crops of leaves a week to ten days ago.

Lots of deer tracks in the soft damp black soil of the trails.

The two ponds continue to be quiet.. only an occasional insect struggling on the surface. Both coated with films of dust and pollen from the spring.

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